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Funniest Long Compilation


YOU MUST SEE THIS VIDEO youtube Part 2youtube Check out Justin Bieber getting killed here tinyurl Wanna see daily fun videos Check out this site yourdailyfunvideo And make it your homepage to help us out Most epic Compilation of 2011 part 1 Thanks to all subscribers, facebook fans, twitter followers and all of our viewers for this awesome year of fun Without you we never would be grown this big Thanks again guys HAPPY NEW YEAR It will be an awesome year of fun in 2012 Probably the longest fun compilation ever uploaded on youtube, it contains the best fails wins cutes animals wtfs lols and other epic stuff YDFV uploaded in 2011 The rendering for part 1 took 11hours and part 2 12hours Editing took us also like 12 hours, so a LIKE and a FAVORITE will be very welcome Social YDFV Facebook facebook Twittertwitter RSSfeedfeeds.feedburner Second Channel youtube PLEASE LIKE amp FAVORITE THIS VIDEO TO HELP US GROWING CREDITS GO TO ORIGINAL OWNERS Section 107 of the US Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use, for example use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied summary of an address or article…. Episode 200 YDFV yourDailyfunvideo YDWV yourdailywinvideo Funny videos fails lol wins epic animals cool ltbgt…ltbgt

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