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A Master of Card Tricks

That’s Jason Ladanye for y’all, his sleight of hand is one of the best I have ever seen! My theory is that all of his shuffling is an entirely predetermined way. He knows where the aces are before starting and then shuffles so precisely that he knows where they will be after each step. It’s…

Sorting algorithms Visualized

Algorithms are somehow a complex black box. Everyone of us seems to have a rather plain concept of what they are and what they do, but the core principles are unknown to most of us. This video does not change that, but it helps to understand how algorithms follow different approaches for the same task.…

Weird Chillout Russia Electro Music

Dear diary, today the algorithm just showed me Russian Joy Division. That was nice. This is the kind of thing I’m going to have to bookmark because I’ll never ever be able to search for this video.
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