Flying from Mt. Everest – The Mission – World Record BASE Jump
For more BASE jumping visit Watch the Action Clip: Nearly 60 years to the day after the first ascent up Mount Everest, Russian extreme sport star Valery Rozov (48) flew off the north face of Mount Everest – the world’s highest BASE jump ever – 7220 meters (23,688ft) above sea level. The ascent…
Final 5 minutes: 911 Call in World Trade Center, while tower collapse
This male voice is Kevin Cosgrove. He was stuck in the tower while calling. He kept trying to get some support from the emergency services, but they did not be really helpful except try to calm him down. There are some other 911 tapes from two callers in the towers, that have been exhibited since…
9/11: Phone Calls from the Towers [2/2]
Part 2 of 2.
Schizophrenie – Ein Experiment
Wie wäre es wenn man Schizophrenie hat? Dieses Video ist ein Versuch diesen Zustand nachzubilden. Das Audio entfaltet sich erst mir Stereo-Kopfhörern. Wer sich diesem Experiment annehmen will, den lade ich herzlich dazu ein.