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Line Rider: Quest for the Magic Fountain

Line Rider Guy heard there was a magic fountain in an abandoned mine. It is said the water from this fountain can cure all diseases. He wants to get some water from it to sell so he can buy a Line Riding Ferrari to impress Line Rider Girl. Song: Paul Oakenfold – Ready Steady Go…

McDonalds in Japan

anime xbox360 PS3 PSX playstation sony microsoft nintendo wii ebay

Leet speak

horrible tv report on speaking in leet

Supercooling Experiment 4

In this installment we see supercooled water to -21C / -6F and pour it our into a bowl. It pours out as a liquid and turns to slush, forming ropelike peaks.

Inside Chernobyl

a video clip of inside the exploded reactor. Thanks to hboy007 for his translation which reads as follows: inside the Sarcophagus the radiation levels are as high as 3400 Roentgen per hour [1 R = 2.58 * 10^-4 C/kg]. The working time of the engineers is determined by the radioactivity they are exposed to. When…
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